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- About STAUFF/
- This is STAUFF Global/
- Corporate Principles
STAUFF Mission
We are a reliable provider of solutions that allow our customers to feed, move, and power the world.
The core values
- honesty
- sincerity
- respect and
- trust
are the cornerstones of our mission. We put these core values into practice every day through
- transparency
- competence
- persistence and
- appreciation.
Without transparency, there is neither honesty and sincerity nor respect and trust. What transparency means to us:
- We say clearly what we want and we express our opinion.
- We listen. We discuss counter-arguments objectively.
- We are not afraid to ask questions.
- We strive for results and decisions and formulate these clearly and unambiguously.
- We work transparently.
- We discuss mistakes, problems and conflicts objectively and rectify them.
Without competence, there is no respect and no trust. What competence means to us:
- We know what our skills are and we focus on these.
- We leave to others what is not within our skill set.
- We strive to learn the skills we need.
- We support each other and obtain support when it is required.
Without persistence, there is no respect and no trust. What persistence means to us:
- We respect decisions even when our own view has not prevailed.
- We are open to rethinking decisions in light of new findings.
- We implement decisions consistently and bring tasks to a conclusion.
- We follow through on commitments and agreements that we have made.
Without appreciation, there is neither honesty and sincerity nor respect and trust. What appreciation means to us:
- We interact with each other impartially and without reservations.
- We do not deceive and we tell the truth.
- We never withhold important information from anyone.
- We recognise the achievements of others. This is an incentive for us.
- We express criticism objectively and receive it in the same way.
Be the leading provider of integrated fluid power port-to-port solutions around the world.