Interview in the 'O+P Fluidtechnik' Magazine

"There are Special People Working in Hydraulics"

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There are Special People Working in Hydraulics

Dr. Dominik F. P. Joachim has been Managing Director of the global STAUFF Group since 2023 and, as Managing Director and Spokesperson for the Management Board, is also responsible for the business of STAUFF Germany.

Dr. Joachim, who has a doctorate in engineering, has been with STAUFF since 2017. He was and is responsible for the STAUFF Group’s global business development.

Dr. Joachim spoke to O+P Fluidtechnik about the great importance of customer requirements for a company.

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There are Special People Working in Hydraulics
Interview in the 5/2023 Issue of the German Trade Magazine 'O+P Fluidtechnik'
0,99 mb
In der Hydraulik sind besondere Menschen tätig
Interview in der Ausgabe 5/2023 des deutschen Fachmagazins 'O+P Fluidtechnik'
1,89 mb
STAUFF Werdohl


Head Office STAUFF Germany

Walter Stauffenberg GmbH & Co. KG

Im Ehrenfeld 4
58791 Werdohl
