Fritz Stiefel Industrie-Vertretungen GmbH

Confirmation as STAUFF Line System Partner

Company News

STAUFF is proud and very pleased to confirm the extremely competent and reliable distribution partner of STAUFF in Southern Germany, the company Fritz Stiefel Industrie-Vertretungen GmbH based in Neu-Ulm / Burlafingen and Waiblingen / Hegnach, again as a STAUFF Line System Partner.

Authorised STAUFF Line System Partners are Preferred Suppliers of Premium Fluid Power Port-to-Port Solutions developed and manufactured by STAUFF.​

Stiefel Neu-Ulm


STAUFF LINE Systempartner

Fritz STIEFEL Industrie-Vertretungen GmbH

Dr.-Carl-Schwenk-Straße 16
89233 Neu-Ulm / Burlafingen

Stiefel Waiblingen


STAUFF LINE Systempartner

Fritz STIEFEL Industrie-Vertretungen GmbH

Gottlieb-Daimler-Straße 6
71334 Waiblingen / Hegnach

STAUFF Werdohl


Head Office STAUFF Germany

Walter Stauffenberg GmbH & Co. KG

Im Ehrenfeld 4
58791 Werdohl
