Address Change STAUFF Meinerzhagen Plant
Neugrünenthal becomes Neugrünental 1
Please note that the address of the STAUFF plant in Meinerzhagen (Germany) has changed slightly.
The updated street address is now "Neugrünental 1" and no longer "Neugrünenthal".
We would like to ask our business partners to adjust their own master data accordingly.
Thank you very much for your support.
About the STAUFF Meinerzhagen Plant
With the manufacturing and assembly plant in Meinerzhagen Neugrünental, STAUFF is regarded as one of the world’s largest manufacturers of quick release couplings for hydraulic systems today. The facility of Voswinkel GmbH, part of STAUFF Germany as a subsidiary since the takeover in April 2015, also manufactures an extensive range of hydraulic hose fittings, especially for high-pressure applications.
Production Site Meinerzhagen Neugrünental
Walter Stauffenberg GmbH & Co. KG
Neugrünental 1
58540 Meinerzhagen