Continuously Innovative: 60 Years STAUFF Clamps

Cover Story in the 'O+P Fluidtechnik' Magazine

Published Articles

In 2025, STAUFF will be celebrating two anniversaries: 60 years ago, the company founder Arnold Menshen launched the “green” clamp onto the market.

In 2015, the company that has now grown to become the international STAUFF Group launched “STAUFF Connect” 50 years later, the company’s own tube connector range.

Between these two dates is half a century of far-reaching changes in the international mechanical and plant engineering sector.

Three corporate values have lost none of their importance at STAUFF to date: a sense of what the market needs, the courage to invest in innovations, and the perseverance to see them through to a successful conclusion.

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Continuously Innovative: 60 Years STAUFF Clamps
Cover Story in the 02/2025 Issue of the German Trade Magazine 'O+P Fluidtechnik'
6,75 mb
Kontinuierlich innovativ: 60 Jahre STAUFF Schelle
Titelstory in der Ausgabe 02/2025 des deutschen Fachmagazins 'O+P Fluidtechnik'
4,99 mb
STAUFF Werdohl


Head Office STAUFF Germany

Walter Stauffenberg GmbH & Co. KG

Im Ehrenfeld 4
58791 Werdohl
